Paranormal experience and planetry position in  horoscope

By the grace of Shiv Shakti Iam sharing this knowledge on the basis of my research and knowledge.
Paranormal indications can be found out in the birth chart of a person.
 When Sun or moon is afflicted with Rahu or Ketu ,or connected with 8th or 12th house represents possible encounter or suffering on account of ghost and spirits.
According astrology there are 12 house  and 7 planets(Two of them are shadowy) Sun, Moon,   Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu.
 Regarding Paranormal experiences 8th house and 12th houses are of prime importance , 4th house is also taken into consideration as it is our inner self, general happiness.
The 8th house shows death, sexuality, secrets, other people’s resources, sacrifice and the unseen world of spirits, astral entities, ghosts or our direct experience with such things. Anything that is taboo, intense, uncomfortable and deep lingers in this house. Having planets in this house will cause a person to be obsessed over death and other matters related to this house. Transformation, regeneration and change, come within the 8th  house.
The 12th house  shows meditation, sleep, subconscious mind, foreign lands, astral world, isolation, fantasy, spirit guides, psychics, tarot, any spiritual knowledge, dreams, dissolution etc.
Sun, The King of all the planets, represents  Soul, personality, will power,  vitality ego, self respect, father, father figures etc.
Moon ,Queen of all planets, represents  mind, sensitivity, liquids, emotions, our way of thinking ,sea, oceans, mother, mother figures etc.
Rahu (Dragon’s Head or North Node of the moon)  represents  treachery, bad elements like gambling, adultery, obsession, greed,  power hungry, addictions etc. He is the significator of Illusion also known as “Chalkaraka” in Vedic Astrology. Rahu also rules over asura, rakshas, yaksha, pisacha  etc .
Ketu (Dragon’s Tail or South Node of the Moon) is the exact opposite of Rahu, and it rules over detachment, spiritual knowledge, non-materialism, Moksh(liberation), spirits, superstitions, witchcraft, rituals etc
in Astrology  Rahu and Ketu causes Eclipse of Sun and Moon. 
Indications Of Paranormal according planets placement
·        When Sun or moon is afflicted with Rahu or Ketu ,and more so over connected with 8th or 12th house  
·        represents possible encounter or suffering on account of demons and spirits.
·        Affliction of Moon with malefic planets(Malefics are Saturn, Mars, Rahu-Ketu) and in relation with
·        4th,8th,12th may represent possible mental afflictions which sometimes may not be
·        .Afflictions to Sun (soul in birth chart) is better  indication of paranormal afflictions, as it is our Soul.
·        Moon-Rahu under bad position may show pisacha badha(demonic attachments).. for this moon has to be
·        under severe malefic influence both in position, nature, nakshatras, different varga charts etc.
·        Sun-Rahu conjunction may show trouble from Evil Spirits.
·        Ketu with Sun or Moon show paranormal Experiences.
·        Ketu in 12th, 8th, 4th house or ascendant shows psychic or occult abilities. For eg:- clairvoyance, high
·        ESP(Extra Sensory Phenomena)
·        Rahu in 12th  house may show spirit troubles(under malefic influence).
·        Rahu-Mercury in the 8th house may show extraordinary abilities.
The above given information or any paranormal indications depends on other planetary positions, dashas, present transists, nakshatras. A benefic influence removes paranormal sufferings or reduces bad effects of planets.
 So the birth chart should be analysed very carefully.
Ganas [yoni]
With The concept of gana or yoni paranormal indication can be seen
1.    A person belonging to Manushya gana can be possessed by spirits.
2.  A person belonging to Rakshasa gana can only see spirits but cant be possessed by them.
3.  A person belonging to Dev gana can neither be possessed by spirits nor see them.

Note – Ths article is based on my knowledge and research of astrology, I do not insist or pressurige some one to accept or follow. any paranormal indications depends on other planetary positions, dashas, present transists, nakshatras. And benefic influence removes paranormal sufferings or reduces bad effects of planets.
 So the birth chart should be analysed very carefully.
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                             om namah shivay                           
                                 With joy and peace