the best way to gain psychic powers is to allow them to develop in you naturally as a result of your personal Spiritual practice. It’s far better to use your precious time and energy to grow Spiritually rather than to squander your limited resources chasing powers that you may never realize.

in India about a man there was a story who wasted 20 years of time period, intense practice trying to learn how to walk on water and failed. 20 years of intense meditation could get you to Samadhi.
To gettting and using psychic powers is a great thing. We should devote time and energy to getting the power. Then, when you have your power, using it grows your pride and ego, stifling true Spiritual progress.
So, we should, grow a strong, daily meditation and yoga practice with the certain goal of firm mind. Then, when we practice psychic development exercises, the insights you get will be the right ones.
our psychic abilities will start giving us answers about ourself –about the best way for you to live and practice.
This is where the true value of psychic powers lies. We should  use them to advance our practice and to grow Spiritually.

simple Chakra Exercise

chakra exercise will give you balanced growth.
Chanting each chakra’s mantra or sound activates, cleanses and grows our chakras. They become able to generate greater amounts of psychic energy. Siddhis come naturally.
l instructions and cautions.
The secret of success is to vibrate your nose bone while chanting the sacred sounds. Send this vibration down to the chakra you’re working on. It’s this vibration that causes everything to happen.
So the first ound, Lam, is pronounced Lammmmmmmmm… The first letters tell the vibration which chakra to go to while the vibration is created by the long mmmmmm…..
Always begin at the bottom with Mooladhara and work up.
Chant each mantra or sound of chakra chakra in an equal number of times to keep growth balanced.
Should not practice by laying down.
after doing the exercise, lay down in Savasana, the Yoga Death Pose, for 20 minutes to allow your chakras to cool and stabilize.

Step by step instructions

·         Use an upright meditation posture.
·         Use abdominal breathing.
·         Focus your attention in red Mooladhara chakra.
·         Gently and softly, chant Mooladhara’s sacred sound, Lam, 9 times while vibrating your nose bone.
·         Go up to the next chakra and repeat, using that chakra’s sacred sound. The sacred sounds are listed next to each chakra in the right column of the chart below.            

·         When you’ve finished all 7 chakras, lay down in Savasana for 20 minutes.

with joy and peace