· Journey within to
unlock infinite power. why human are
suffering in different field of their life regarding health, money and relation
ship.all answer they are having themselves, all solution of problems they are having, still unknown
with their infinite potential. It is their in their inner self in inner
· Most of human look out side for fulfillment they live in a
world that conditions us to believe that outer attainment can give us what we want. Yet again and again our
experience show us that nothing external can compleately fulfil the deep
longing within for ‘something more”. Most of time we find our seles striving
towards towards that always seems to lie just beyond our reach we are caughtup
in doing rather than being, in action rather than awareness. It is hard for us
to picture a state of complete calmness . yet it is through such a state of
quietude we can touch a level of joy and
understanding imposible to achieve otherwise and it is says be still and ask
who am i?in these few words lies the key to self realization. “I am a soul, puree consciousness,a part of
universal mind , a part of supreme soul. Iam not body iam not mind
I am a part of supreme soul “sat chit anand”.the science of yoga
meditation and prayanam offers a direct means of ing the natural turbulence of
thoughts and and restlessness of body that prevent us from knowing what we
really are.
· By practicing step
by step method of yoga meditation and prayanam taking nothing for granted on
emotional grounds of through blind faith- we come to know our one ness with
infinite intellegencce ,power and joy which gies life to all and which is the
essence of our “own self”.
· Ordinarly our energy
and awareness are directed outward to
the thngs of this world which we precive
through the limited instrument of our five senses we must learn to tap deeper
and more subtle levels of awareness if we want to solve the enigma of life who
am i? why I am here? How I realize truth? The higher technique of yoga and
meditation makes us capable to
understand about the force that run universe. the world “yoga” itself means union
of the indivisual consciousness or soul with the universal consciousness o sprit. There are various
path of yoga that leads toward this goal each one has a speicle branch of one
commprenhensive system.
· Hath yoga, karma yoga, mantrayoga, bhakti yoga, jnana yoga,
raja yoga.
· All these path of
yoga system approach towards balancing in body mind and soul.