We are master of our mind
Happiness is a habit,which can be adopted through programming of our brain, Programming is a method of how our brains are programmed by our own internal representation (self talk and image making) and outside world programming ( be it media,tv,facebook,parents the list is endless). there map or model of the world.
Our mind is not our master its only a tool to manifest desires . who we truly are not realizing we are not only this body  and mind we are the very soul of consciousness.we get attached  with  and identified with an image of ourselves rather than with our true selves and since this attachment is false it is prone to come in to  conflict with others ,if someone disrespect us or does not behave as we want him to do so, not follow our order, takes his own independent decision all this make us anger. If we are angered by others  than is only meance that we have given the control of ourselves to other to be manipulate and twisted as per their words  and action we are not master of our selves but we try to be master of others. So don’t get involved with your anger. Move a side and see if it is arising in other person become objective and see how foolish you feel that is exactly how other see you.people are bundle of thoughts emotions and ofcoursr prejudices what you consider mysef? Just a jumble of things that you have gather from outside  which were condition you were exposed to that kind of nonsence youhave gathered in your mind. Your mind is society’s garbagebin because you hae no choice  what to take or what not take any one can throw anything in your mind because you have opened it for out side garbage. To realize yur inner self you need to shut the garbage bin.
Mind is a phenomenal if you get stuck to it ,it will take you for a ride endlessly if you are in mind you are a non stop suffering human being you can not help it.aslong as you are in mind tear,  anxieties and struggle are there. That is the nature of mind that’s why people are unableto torture.  If you want to free your mind you have to go beyond the mind.then only you will be really of your selfand make your self living in every momentand observing the flow of universe.
To be your real self you will have to do meditation to improve concentration a minfullness. Meditation  is the base of a calm mind., it enlighten you, enlighten meance see in to your nature to experience your oneness with all things,to dissolve the illusion that you are a seprate self and make you understand that you are part of supreme soul.