Muladhara chakra the earth element                               

 The Muladhara Chakra earth element and red in color. A Balanced Root Chakra creates a solid foundation for opening all the other six chakras. When the Muladhara Chakra is balanced, a person experiences stability, confidence, energy, and strength.

 muladhara is the first and base of all chakras, its influences are the base of our whole being. It gives us our sense of groundedness and security, as well as the feelings of safety and stability. Imbalance can make us feel ungrounded, fearful, and lower our self-esteem.
In yoga, the root chakra is engaged when you feel the most supported by the earth. Practicing poses like Mountain, Side-Angle, Warrior, Standing Forward Fold, and Bridge is a great way to recenter your mind, body, and spirit and welcome positive energy.
A balanced root chakra can provide emotional strength in the face of fear and anxiety. This results in feeling grounded and secure. An imbalance in the Root Chakra can cause a variety of mental illnesses and stress which can also affect overall physical wellness.

What foods activate root 
Red foods or foods with a strong red pigment will help recharge and balance your root chakra. Avoid red dyes and artificially colored foods. Instead, opt for whole foods like red fruits (think strawberries, raspberries, pomegranate, and cherry) and red vegetables (red bell pepper, beets)
Who is the god of muladhara chakra.
Lord Ganesha rules Muladhara Chakra, the Root Chakra associated with family, stability and wealth. Mula means 'main, root or original' and adhara means 'base', meaning that Lord Ganesha is the root cause of our familial happiness and domestic peace that are abseant without his blessings.
      May ganesh bless you all round success
