Khadgamala Stotra A great prayer addressed  to the great Goddess which protects  us from all enemies and dangers   like a garland of swords.

The mantras pertaining to Sri Vidya are of foremost importance, as it has the power to cut off Karma and removes all sorts of sins. Hence one of the most advanced levels of Sri Vidya meditation is reciting of Khadgamala Stotra, even though this is called a stotra, it is infact a Mala Mantra with tremendous power. By mere chanting of the names given in the link below you can absolve all types of sins and acquire any thing we want. This is particularly good for those people who wants lead a material life as well as spiritual one.
This removes black magic effects, planetary ill effects, fear of enemies and thieves and many advantages are listed in the Phala Struti of this mantra. So do not take this lightly.


1.What is the “Sri Devi Khadgamala Stotram”?

Sri Devi refers to Shakti, the Divine Mother. Khadga means Sword, Mala means Garland, Stotram means a hymn or song of praise. So the Khadgamala Stotram (hereafter, KS) is a hymn to the Divine Mother, which is said to bestow a garland of swords upon those who recite it. The KS takes us mentally through the Sri Chakra; i.e. the mystical geometric representation of the Supreme Goddess. This Yantra consists of nine enclosures – each more secret and esoteric than the one before – surrounding a central point, or bindu, in which Devi, the Supreme Goddess (here in Her erotic form as Kameshwari) is joined in coitus with her consort As we make our way to the center of Sri Chakra, we pay homage to the 98 yoginis or aspects of Devi (by reciting each of their names) who guard the various “power points” of the charka along the way. We internalize each yogini to become Her; and this prepares us to meet the next yogini on our path – and so on until we reach the center. 

2. meaning of the Khadgamala

'SHAKTI' (Devi) is the Sanskrit word denoting power, or energy – all Energy, whether we perceive it (from our perspective) as positive or negative. (It is the Shakta belief that there is no “positive” or negative energy. Energy is always the Creatrix.) Einstein said that all matter is energy. Shaktism says all energy – that is, everything in and of the three worlds – is all DEVI. SHIVA is Consciousness, and is visualized as Devi’s consort. Consciousness energized by Power = the UNIVERSE. Energy animated by CONSCIOUSNESS also = the UNIVERSE. Love – the desire of SHAKTI and SHIVA to Unite as One – is the essence of all Creation. That why the KS envisions Devi 'IN COITUS' with Her Consort. This implies that SHAKTI (Energy) is fully animated by SHIVA (Consciousness) – She is, in fact, in an eternal state of creative orgasm. That is the cosmic bliss we begin to access through our sadhana (spiritual disciplines). The human sexual impulse is merely a metaphor for the Cosmic Creative Impulse that creates that all we see and do not see. The Stotram is inviting us to ride that wave with Her; in essence, to become Her. The SWORD bestowed upon reciters of the KS symbolizes the power (Energy) that enables us to transcend attachment, enabling Self-Realization., “the Sword [metaphorically] severs the head, separating body from mind. It can be interpreted also as Wisdom – that which separates, categorizes, and classifies. So it is a symbol of Knowledge. Khadgamala is about imagining a garland of synergistic ideas, nourishing and protecting them and putting life into them.” 

Many people have asked us over the years how to begin a serious Shakta practice – something more advanced and specific than our most basic (and still totally valid) advice, “Just pray to the Mother!” and yet not so complex and time-consuming as to place it beyond the reasonable capacity of an average devotee. The KS is a very advanced, very powerful recitation from the Srividya school of Shaktism – and yet it is totally within the reach of anyone who approaches it in a spirit of serious, sustained devotion and practice. 

4.Why one should recite it-

 Because it condenses a long series of complicated rituals into a very simple, easily achievable recitation/meditation that anyone can learn and hugely benefit from. The full pooja of the Devis of the Sri Chakra takes hours, because at each point we pause and do smaller, detailed poojas. Hence the sages of yore created this Khadagmala as an alternative, short-form recitation that is more suitable for the demands and time constrictions of modern life. All of the sadhana of Srividya can be achieved by the recitation of the Khadgamala. Hours of long ritual compressed to less than half an hour of intense meditation that will give you a ticket on the same plane as the great Srividya Upasakas. Whatever your developmental stage, this is IT." Even those who have not been initiated into Srividya can benefit from the Khadgamala. Stotras are one tool of Srividya upasana that is open to all categories of people. It does not have ritualistic injunctions of dos and don’ts. All you need do is recite; then, by and by, the Devis will become visible and you will feel the bliss of union with the ultimate and as one goes on, the necessary teachers will appear as if from thin air and guide you further

5.How do khadahmala should recite –

 As you are reciting each name, that yogini’s portion of Sri Chakra should spring up in your imagination. The power comes from intensifying concentration to visualize the form, hear the sound, feel the touch, taste, and smell of the divine perfume of the [yogini] manifesting that part of the ever youthful Goddess. … The Goddess loves fun. She is deeply in love with you, making you Siva.” Don’t worry if your recitation is awkward or your pronunciation is bad., you should simply dismiss all of those technical concerns for now and simply “begin your journey to Goddess today, no matter how feebly. You can add power and depth as you move along. We are there to help you.” It is said “Bhava grAhI JanArdana (God understands the feeling and intent and does not bother about mistakes.) Also, in your meditation, do not try too hard to concentrate – because you cannot!! Just recite, let the mind wander; let it do whatever it wants. Still the result will come. If one tries to concentrate, the body will become tense and the results will not appear.

6.How many time should recite  it?

Once a day is ideal. So do it daily; and, if possible, at the same time and same place. But if your circumstances make that kind of commitment difficult or impossible, do not worry! Simply do it when you can. Especially when you are sad and/or facing a problem; just do it and you may well see miracles.

7.miraculous results one will find-

it will take you anywhere you want (or need) to go.” It clears your doubts and fears, removes your psychic baggage, and prepares your mind and spirit for dramatic spiritual advancement. “It fulfils all wishes, more than you desire, instantly,”. “There in lies its power. Regular practice protects you, nourishes you, and takes you beyond.” 

Sri Devi Khadgamala Stotram –

अस्य श्री शुद्धशक्तिमालामहामन्त्रस्य, उपस्थेन्द्रियाधिष्ठायी वरुणादित्य ऋषयः देवी गायत्री छन्दः सात्विक ककारभट्टारकपीठस्थित कामेश्वराङ्कनिलया महाकामेश्वरी श्री ललिता भट्टारिका देवता, ऐं बीजं क्लीं शक्तिः, सौः कीलकं खड्गसिद्ध्यर्थे सर्वाभीष्टसिद्ध्यर्थे जपे विनियोगः, मूलमन्त्रेण षडङ्गन्यासं कुर्यात्
आरक्ताभान्त्रिणेत्रामरुणिमवसनां रत्नताटङ्करम्याम्
लमित्यादिपञ्च पूजाम् कुर्यात्, यथाशक्ति मूलमन्त्रम् जपेत्
लंपृथिवीतत्त्वात्मिकायै श्री ललितात्रिपुरसुन्दरी पराभट्टारिकायै गन्धं परिकल्पयामिनमः
हंआकाशतत्त्वात्मिकायै श्री ललितात्रिपुरसुन्दरी पराभट्टारिकायै पुष्पं परिकल्पयामिनमः
यंवायुतत्त्वात्मिकायै श्री ललितात्रिपुरसुन्दरी पराभट्टारिकायै धूपं परिकल्पयामिनमः
रंतेजस्तत्त्वात्मिकायै श्री ललितात्रिपुरसुन्दरी पराभट्टारिकायै दीपं परिकल्पयामिनमः
वंअमृततत्त्वात्मिकायै श्री ललितात्रिपुरसुन्दरी पराभट्टारिकायै अमृतनैवेद्यं परिकल्पयामिनमः
संसर्वतत्त्वात्मिकायै श्री ललितात्रिपुरसुन्दरी पराभट्टारिकायै ताम्बूलादिसर्वोपचारान् परिकल्पयामिनमः
श्री देवी सम्बोधनं (1)
ऐं ह्रीं श्रीम् ऐं क्लीं सौः नमस्त्रिपुरसुन्दरी,
न्यासाङ्गदेवताः (6)
हृदयदेवी, शिरोदेवी, शिखादेवी, कवचदेवी, नेत्रदेवी, अस्त्रदेवी,
तिथिनित्यादेवताः (16)
कामेश्वरी, भगमालिनी, नित्यक्लिन्ने, भेरुण्डे, वह्निवासिनी, महावज्रेश्वरी, शिवदूती, त्वरिते, कुलसुन्दरी, नित्ये, नीलपताके, विजये, सर्वमङ्गले, ज्वालामालिनी, चित्रे, महानित्ये,
दिव्यौघगुरवः (7)
परमेश्वर, परमेश्वरी, मित्रेशमयी, उड्डीशमयी, चर्यानाथमयी, लोपामुद्रमयी, अगस्त्यमयी,
सिद्धौघगुरवः (4)
कालतापशमयी, धर्माचार्यमयी, मुक्तकेशीश्वरमयी, दीपकलानाथमयी,
मानवौघगुरवः (8)
विष्णुदेवमयी, प्रभाकरदेवमयी, तेजोदेवमयी, मनोजदेवमयि, कल्याणदेवमयी, वासुदेवमयी, रत्नदेवमयी, श्रीरामानन्दमयी,
श्रीचक्र प्रथमावरणदेवताः
अणिमासिद्धे, लघिमासिद्धे, गरिमासिद्धे, महिमासिद्धे, ईशित्वसिद्धे, वशित्वसिद्धे, प्राकाम्यसिद्धे, भुक्तिसिद्धे, इच्छासिद्धे, प्राप्तिसिद्धे, सर्वकामसिद्धे, ब्राह्मी, माहेश्वरी, कौमारि, वैष्णवी, वाराही, माहेन्द्री, चामुण्डे, महालक्ष्मी, सर्वसङ्क्षोभिणी, सर्वविद्राविणी, सर्वाकर्षिणी, सर्ववशङ्करी, सर्वोन्मादिनी, सर्वमहाङ्कुशे, सर्वखेचरी, सर्वबीजे, सर्वयोने, सर्वत्रिखण्डे, त्रैलोक्यमोहन चक्रस्वामिनी, प्रकटयोगिनी,
श्रीचक्र द्वितीयावरणदेवताः
कामाकर्षिणी, बुद्ध्याकर्षिणी, अहङ्काराकर्षिणी, शब्दाकर्षिणी, स्पर्शाकर्षिणी, रूपाकर्षिणी, रसाकर्षिणी, गन्धाकर्षिणी, चित्ताकर्षिणी, धैर्याकर्षिणी, स्मृत्याकर्षिणी, नामाकर्षिणी, बीजाकर्षिणी, आत्माकर्षिणी, अमृताकर्षिणी, शरीराकर्षिणी, सर्वाशापरिपूरक चक्रस्वामिनी, गुप्तयोगिनी,
श्रीचक्र तृतीयावरणदेवताः
अनङ्गकुसुमे, अनङ्गमेखले, अनङ्गमदने, अनङ्गमदनातुरे, अनङ्गरेखे, अनङ्गवेगिनी, अनङ्गाङ्कुशे, अनङ्गमालिनी, सर्वसङ्क्षोभणचक्रस्वामिनी, गुप्ततरयोगिनी,
श्रीचक्र चतुर्थावरणदेवताः
सर्वसङ्क्षोभिणी, सर्वविद्राविनी, सर्वाकर्षिणी, सर्वह्लादिनी, सर्वसम्मोहिनी, सर्वस्तम्भिनी, सर्वजृम्भिणी, सर्ववशङ्करी, सर्वरञ्जनी, सर्वोन्मादिनी, सर्वार्थसाधिके, सर्वसम्पत्तिपूरिणी, सर्वमन्त्रमयी, सर्वद्वन्द्वक्षयङ्करी, सर्वसौभाग्यदायक चक्रस्वामिनी, सम्प्रदाययोगिनी,
श्रीचक्र पञ्चमावरणदेवताः
सर्वसिद्धिप्रदे, सर्वसम्पत्प्रदे, सर्वप्रियङ्करी, सर्वमङ्गलकारिणी, सर्वकामप्रदे, सर्वदुःखविमोचनी, सर्वमृत्युप्रशमनि, सर्वविघ्ननिवारिणी, सर्वाङ्गसुन्दरी, सर्वसौभाग्यदायिनी, सर्वार्थसाधक चक्रस्वामिनी, कुलोत्तीर्णयोगिनी,
श्रीचक्र षष्टावरणदेवताः
सर्वज्ञे, सर्वशक्ते, सर्वैश्वर्यप्रदायिनी, सर्वज्ञानमयी, सर्वव्याधिविनाशिनी, सर्वाधारस्वरूपे, सर्वपापहरे, सर्वानन्दमयी, सर्वरक्षास्वरूपिणी, सर्वेप्सितफलप्रदे, सर्वरक्षाकरचक्रस्वामिनी, निगर्भयोगिनी,
श्रीचक्र सप्तमावरणदेवताः
वशिनी, कामेश्वरी, मोदिनी, विमले, अरुणे, जयिनी, सर्वेश्वरी, कौलिनि, सर्वरोगहरचक्रस्वामिनी, रहस्ययोगिनी,
श्रीचक्र अष्टमावरणदेवताः
बाणिनी, चापिनी, पाशिनी, अङ्कुशिनी, महाकामेश्वरी, महावज्रेश्वरी, महाभगमालिनी, सर्वसिद्धिप्रदचक्रस्वामिनी, अतिरहस्ययोगिनी,
श्रीचक्र नवमावरणदेवताः
श्री श्री महाभट्टारिके, सर्वानन्दमयचक्रस्वामिनी, परापररहस्ययोगिनी,
नवचक्रेश्वरी नामानि
त्रिपुरे, त्रिपुरेशी, त्रिपुरसुन्दरी, त्रिपुरवासिनी, त्रिपुराश्रीः, त्रिपुरमालिनी, त्रिपुरसिद्धे, त्रिपुराम्बा, महात्रिपुरसुन्दरी,
श्रीदेवी विशेषणानिनमस्कारनवाक्षरीच
महामहेश्वरी, महामहाराज्ञी, महामहाशक्ते, महामहागुप्ते, महामहाज्ञप्ते, महामहानन्दे, महामहास्कन्धे, महामहाशये, महामहा श्रीचक्रनगरसाम्राज्ञी, नमस्ते नमस्ते नमस्ते नमः
एषा विद्या महासिद्धिदायिनी स्मृतिमात्रतः
अग्निवातमहाक्षोभे राजाराष्ट्रस्यविप्लवे
लुण्ठने तस्करभये सङ्ग्रामे सलिलप्लवे
समुद्रयानविक्षोभे भूतप्रेतादिके भये
शाकिनी पूतनायक्षरक्षःकूष्माण्डजे भये
मित्रभेदे ग्रहभये व्यसनेष्वाभिचारिके
अन्येष्वपि दोषेषु मालामन्त्रं स्मरेन्नरः
तादृशं खड्गमाप्नोति येन हस्तस्थितेनवै
आपत्काले नित्यपूजां विस्तारात्कर्तुमारभेत्
एकवारं जपध्यानम् सर्वपूजाफलं लभेत्
नवावरणदेवीनां ललिताया महौजनः
एकत्र गणनारूपो वेदवेदाङ्गगोचरः
सर्वागमरहस्यार्थः स्मरणात्पापनाशिनी
ललितायामहेशान्या माला विद्या महीयसी
नरवश्यं नरेन्द्राणां वश्यं नारीवशङ्करम्
अणिमादिगुणैश्वर्यं रञ्जनं पापभञ्जनम्
तत्तदावरणस्थायि देवताबृन्दमन्त्रकम्
मालामन्त्रं परं गुह्यं परं धाम प्रकीर्तितम्
शक्तिमाला पञ्चधास्याच्छिवमाला तादृशी
तस्माद्गोप्यतराद्गोप्यं रहस्यं भुक्तिमुक्तिदम्
इति श्री वामकेश्वरतन्त्रे उमामहेश्वरसंवादे देवीखड्गमालास्तोत्ररत्नं समाप्तम्
 Khadgamala Stotra a great prayer to fulfill all desire
                                                      all the best


