Yoga is a science, not a sport or a game. Yoga by its nature never teaches competition. Competition means that one is always comparing and contrasting to external measures. Yoga instills integration, enrichment and incomparable inner strength. With these qualities, yogis master life. Mastery gives fulfillment and fulfillment stops one from dependence on the external.

āsanasprāṇāyāmabandhas,kriyasmudrās, and kuṇḍalinī are tools of yoga
so one can start yoga by surya namaskar which is essence of all yoga asanas.  it is one of the best begenning  for will help to open chanel and blockages of granthis
 and will bring the body in harmony.

 Sun Salutation Pose, also known as Salute to the Sun and Surya Namaskar, is a flowing series of 12 poses which help improve strength and flexibility of the muscles and spinal column. This pose also warms up the body and tones the abdominal muscles.

                 STEP 1: Stand on your yoga mats and start with the Yoga Mountain Pose. Bring your palms together in prayer position. Exhale.

                    STEP 2: As you inhale, raise your arms overhead, keeping your palms together.
STEP 3: Exhale and then bend forward until your hands touch your feet.
STEP 4: As you inhale, step the right leg back, arch back and lift your chin.
STEP 5: Exhaling, step the left leg back into plank position. Keep your spine and legs in a straight line and support your weight on hands and feet.
STEP 6: Retaining the breath, lower your knees, your chest and then your forehead, keeping your hips up and toes curled under.

STEP 7: Inhaling, stretch forward and bend back. Keep your arms straight.
STEP 8: Exhaling, curl your toes under, press down into your heels, and lift your hips.

STEP 9: As you inhale, bring your right leg forward, with the top of the foot stretched out flat on the floor, and lift your chin.
STEP 10: Exhale and then bend forward until your hands touch your feet.
STEP 11: Inhaling, stretch your arms forward and over your head. Slowly bend backward from the waist.
STEP 12: Exhaling, gen

Yoga helps us to achieve a balanced mind, not swayed too much by ambition nor dragged down by failure. It teaches you not to over-value achievement and helps you to push ahead with life when you encounter failure. Regular practice of yoga followed by meditation can help you find peace within yourself.
meditation your objective is to reach a state where you are aware of an inner peace and experience a sense of release from everything impeding that peace.
The student of tantra must practice yoga meditation and payanam at primary get perfection in mantra tantra and yantra sadhna.