👉 What are the effects of Grahan Dosh and how does it impact on our carrier, family and professional life?

👉What is Grahan Dosha?

Whenever, Rahu or Ketu joines with the Sun or Moon then it results in Grahan Yoga. Surya Grahan  Yoga in Horoscope is a malefic effect which arises when Rahu (Dragon’s head) sits with any planet in horoscope.  if Rahu is sitting with Moon then “Rahu Moon or Chandra Grahan dosha” is present.  if Rahu is sitting with Sun then “ Surya Grahan dosha” is present  when Rahu  forms negative formation in kundli or horoscope, it is called Grahan Dosh.

Reason for Grahan Dosha

  • When rahu sits with Sun or Moon in any  houseof Kundli.
  • When Ketu sits with Sun or Moon with the same rashi
  • During Sun and Moon Mahadasha Rahu may arise Grahan Dosha.
  • When a child is born on  Surya Grahan or Chandra Grahan day.

Effects of Grahan Dosha

Rahu is the planet which if generates any malefic effects then creates problems in life, both professional and personal. It creates excess struggle and hardship in ones life.
  • Sudden unwanted problems in job and business.
  • Delayed results and slow
  • Miscarriage or sexual complications.
  • Chronic diseases and ailments related to , breathing, neck, lungs and eyes. Cancer is also caused due to Rahu.
  • Mental imbalanceing or depression.
  • Defame in society and legal problems.
If Rahu and Mangal sits together, it forms  Angarak Yoga,which causes accident, chronic diseases, debt, defame etc.
Please note that all the symptoms may not be seen in every Kundli of the affected person. Many other factors such as Dasha, Grah-Dosh and Shani Sadhesati determines the overall impact of Grahan Dosha. The result may be changed from Kudli to Kundli. It is must  study the Horoscope  aspect to determine the cause and effects.
           For analysis of horoscope with  Remedies  of Grahan Dosha mail me at-positive669@gmail.com