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Root Chakra

Mūlādhāra Chakra forms the basis and the starting point for our spiritual development
 foundation from which we climb the ladder of the Chakras; the root from which we receive the nourishment for our spiritual development 
Kundalinī Shakti (spiritual energy) has its roots in the Mūlādhāra Chakra,

The Karmas of our past lives rest in the Mūlādhāra Chakra, and from these arise the happiness or unhappiness experienced in this current life (Prārabdha Karma). From every act that we perform or have performed a seed is sown in the Mūlādhāra Chakra that will sooner or later rise into the light; and these seeds determine our fortune. In each lifetime we have planted innumerable seeds that continue to grow and multiply until a dense, impenetrable jungle has arisen.
The Mūlādhāra Chakra is the seat of the unconscious. It is like a dark, locked cellar whose hidden contents. The Bīja Mantra (Seed Mantra) of the Mūlādhāra Chakra is LĀM, the sound of spiritual awakening. It releases tensions and removes blockages in this Chakra and activates its energy. And so the process of awakening the dormant powers within us and raising them into consciousness begins. Beautiful and healing experiences together with happy moments emerge from the past giving us strength and inspiration to continue on our path. But together with the pleasant experiences, we can also go through painful feelings in the Mūlādhāra Chakra. Buried hurts and disappointments that were deeply etched into our consciousness come to the surface so they can finally be healed and resolved.
Some people struggle at the very beginning of their spiritual path and can’t seem to move from where they started. This happens if their root chakra is suppressed.

The root chakra gets suppressed mainly because of the ignorance about our sexual nature.  probably in all countries sexual energy is suppressed by wrong dogmas. When this base energy is suppressed, it just sits at the root chakra without being able to be transformed to the higher energy.
Also if this energy is suppressed and it’s very strong, it can manifest in dangerous ways,

 The divinity of the Mūlādhāra Chakra is Shiva in the form of PASHUPATI MAHĀDEVA (Lord of the animal world). Lord Shiva represents consciousness and liberation

So when there’s such an imbalance in the root chakra, or when it’s completely closed, of course the energy cannot travel freely. Or even if some energy is able to travel, it cannot get completely transformed because the chakra is not entirely open. So only a trickle of this energy can travel forward, and so the full spiritual development cannot be achieved.
It’s interesting to note that very spiritual people are very open about sex and can talk about it in a natural way. That’s a sign that their root chakra is balanced and fully open. Such people are not possessive in relationships and they think that sex is a completely natural and beautiful act. These people attract many followers and many fall in love with such people, because their energy is so strong and balanced.
Only when the root chakra is unbalanced, sexual problems, such as sexual excess or embarrassment, can result. When the root chakra is completely balanced, you will have a natural sexual rhythm, and when this sexual energy is completely transformed into higher energies, you may not feel the need to have sex at all.
People who feel that sexual act is something dirty are the people who have suppressed energies in their base chakras. Also, as I mentioned earlier, people who are lustful, also have imbalances in this chakra. Only when the balance is achieved can the energy travel up and thus a person can spiritually develop.
possessiveness is common among spiritually unaware people, but non existent among truly spiritual people.
I think that non possessiveness is one of the hardest things to achieve in this world. Possessiveness always reveals selfish love, no matter how you may try to justify it. When you don’t feel possessive about your partner, it’s a good sign that your spiritual energies are free to travel upwards. If you see a sexual act as something divine, it’s also a sign that your energies can start transforming to become finer.
Sometimes you have to travel very deep into yourself to find the roots of your sexual suppression. They may start in the earliest years of your life, because children can pick up feelings from their parents and identify with them.
A friend of mine told me that when she would attend counseling sessions, her counselor told her that children till the age of three are extremely sensitive and aware. If their mothers don’t see them at this or earlier age for more than three days, children automatically think that their mothers died and they go through the feelings of grief and abandonment. So even from the very beginning of their lives, children are extremely sensitive to energies and environment they live in.
Try to find and cut the roots of your sexual suppression, no matter how deep they go. Pay attention to how your parents feel/felt about this subject, as well as what you were taught at school, church, etc. If you feel negative about something to do with sex, question this feeling, analyze it. Keep going deeper inside yourself to find all the roots that prevent your base chakra from opening.
When you manage to open the root chakra fully, you will not only feel like there’s much more energy in you, but you will also be much more uplifted. Moreover, if you struggled to attract the right partner, after this change the right person may appear out of nowhere in your life.

Some people, however, misuse the fully opened chakra because they are unable to control the strong sexual energy and thus they end up channeling it in lowest ways. That leaves them completely depleted and there’s no energy left for spiritual progress.
If this excess starts happening, it’s very important to divert this stream of energy to higher purposes, such as painting, dancing, singing or meditation. You can also pray to God to help you retain enough of this energy for your spiritual development.
It’s easy to waste this new powerful energy, especially when you attract amazing people and events in your life as a result of it. However wasting it will only leave you feeling depleted and unhappy. No matter how exciting your life gets, never lose yourself in the external world. Finding the way back into yourself might take a very long time.
Know that everything you do uses your energy, even a smallest thought or intention. You can, however, save a significant amount of your energy by not engaging in unnecessary talk or by not doing things that don’t matter.
When there’s a lot of your root chakra energy built up in you, and you don’t spend it in foolish ways, it will be easy for you to go deep into meditation and experience spiritual phenomena. You will also start naturally 

 The Mūlādhāra Chakra is the mother who nourishes and raises us. It is the seat of our dormant wisdom, the stronghold of our hidden spiritual powers and abilities. By awakening this Chakra – under the care of the spiritual Master – we accomplish the first step on our path towards a fully developed human consciousness, and beyond to God-Realisation.

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