Tantra the realization of the cosmic unity and power of the Self

           THE  creation and structure of the divine, the universe and man.                       

 Tantras are the ancient scriptures, which were meant to spread the light of knowledge of our True Self and bring humanity out of ignorance. They trace their origin from the Vedas and the Upanishads, Tantra is the inquiry and realization of the cosmic unity and power of the Self. Unfortunately, Tantras were tainted with such practices as 'erotic mysticism' and 'black magic'. Be that as it may, it is to be understood that the Tantras in their original and pure forms are as sacred and life invigorating as Vedanta teachings derived from the ancient Indian prophecy. The authorship of the Tantras is credited to Lord Shiva who is believed to have granted this knowledge to his Power -the Shakti- Parvati. She, in turn, made them available to mankind. Original Tantras are divided into three main groups according to the deity chosen for worship (Vishnu, Shiva, and Shakti). Thus came into existence Vaishnava, Shaiva, and Shakta Tantra respectively.
There are many Tantra schools and thus there are differences in the philosophy of occult. What you find here give you an outline of Tantra cosmology
I shall state here  the key concepts of Shiva and Shakti. Shiva and Shakti are the basics of the entire occult philosophy. In essence Shiva and Shakti are undifferentiated unity. They can never be separated; one cannot exist without the other. We look at them as being two separated concepts, but that is due to the limitations of our understanding, and our language. We have to invent names and concepts in order to have some understanding of what lies beyond our understanding.
     Everything that exists can be reduced to two concepts: consciousness and manifestations. Manifestations are dependent on consciousness. In occult, consciousness is called Shiva, and manifestation, which is also seen as power, is called Shakti.
     Another key concept is what literally means "that". is unconditioned consciousness, eternal, unchangeable "to be". It is omnipresent. It is an ultimate state of consciousness in which there is no power (Shakti). It is also called Brahman which is in a state of rest. In Brahman, Shakti only exists as a potential.

      So Shiva, or Consciousness perceives its dynamic aspect (=Shakti) and recognizes itself as an observer that observes the observed. Shiva as an observer is called Para Shiva and the observed is called Para Shakti.

Siddhi Powers are sometimes gained by focusing on various chakras causing an activation of that specific energy center.
Short overview of the advantages of meditating on the chakras:
  • Muladhara: one becomes healthy, without any disease and anything you say becomes effective (Bak-Siddha)
  • Svadhisthana: one acquires devotion, relief from any diseases, and to power to dominate other people.
  • Manipura: one gets cured of any diseases, and acquires lots of wealth, and gains power to destroy.
  • Anahata: One gets immense divine power and miracles (Asta Shiddhi, or Asta Oisarjya).
  • Vishuddha: one is able to break the shackles of death, and infirmity of old age.
  • Ajna: one sees the glow of his soul's reflection, and achieves nirvana.
  • Sahasrara: one transforms into divine.
  • Lalana: one can cure insanity, fever colic, headache and laziness.
  • Guru: One gains every desire, and divine knowledge is revealed.

The Benefits of Meditating on the Chakras
according to the text Sat-Chakra-Nirupana by Purnananda Sawmi
     By meditating thus on Her who shines within the Muladhara Chakra, with the luster of ten million Suns, a man becomes Lord of speech and King among men, and an Adept in all kinds of learning. He becomes ever free from all diseases, and his inmost Spirit becomes full of great gladness. Pure of disposition by his deep and musical words, he serves the foremost of the Devas.
     He who meditates upon this stainless Lotus, which is named Svadisthana, is freed immediately from all his enemies, such as the fault of Aha kara (passions) and so forth. He becomes a Lord among Yogis, and is like the Sun illumining the dense darkness of ignorance. The wealth of his nectar-like words flows in prose and verse in well-reasoned discourse.
     By meditating on this Navel Lotus the power to destroy and create (the world) is acquired. Vani (the element of Fire) with all the wealth of knowledge ever abides in the lotus of His face.
     He who meditates on this Heart Lotus becomes like the Lord of Speech, and like Ishvara he is able to protect and destroy the worlds. Foremost among Yogis, he is ever dearer than the dearest to women, He is pre-eminently wise and full of noble deeds. His senses are completely under control. His mind in its intense concentration is engrossed in thoughts of the Brahman. His inspired speech flows like a stream of (clear) water. He is like the Devata (=celestial being) who is the beloved of Lakshmi (=goddess of fortune and wealth) and is able at will to enter another's body.
     He who has attained complete knowledge of the Atma (Brahman) becomes by constantly concentrating his mind (Citta) on this Lotus a great Sage, eloquent and wise, and enjoys uninterrupted peace of mind. He sees the three periods, and becomes the benefactor of all, free from disease and sorrow and long-lived, and, like Hamsa (=the white swan, symbolizing the divine spirit, or the liberated Self), the destroyer of endless dangers. The Yogi, his mind constantly fixed on this Lotus, his breath controlled by Kumbhaka (refers here to breath retention), is in his wrath able to move all the three worlds. Neither Brahma nor Vishnu, neither Hari-Hara nor Surya nor Ganapa is able to control his power (resist Him).
     The excellent Sadhaka (=spiritual seeker), whose Atma (=Self) is nothing but a meditation on this Lotus, is able quickly to enter another's body at will, and becomes the most excellent among Munis (=Sages), and all-knowing and all-seeing. He becomes the benefactor of all, and versed in all the Sastras (Vedic scriptures). He realizes his unity with the Brahman and acquires excellent and unknown powers. Full of fame and long-lived, he ever becomes the Creator, Destroyer, and Preserver, of the three worlds.
     That most excellent of men who has controlled his mind and known this place is never again born in the Wandering, as there is nothing in the three worlds which binds him. His mind being controlled and his aim achieved, he possesses complete power to do all which he wishes, and to prevent that which is contrary to his will. He ever moves towards the Brahman. His speech, whether in prose or verse, is ever pure and sweet.